You Can Probably Make It Into Something People Want

2 minute read

A TikTok marketing guru shat on a builder’s project. “Did you make this because there was a market or because you wanted to build it.”

The process of building is simple. Build it, then see if there’s a market for it. If you do the second before the first, you suffer from a common problem with bland movies. You know, where you do market research then make something that everyone wants but it turns out no one wants it because it was made without personality or love.

Most of the things I’ve built have no market, but I do believe that I can build markets and audiences for them.

I just also realize that there’s time/cost that I have to factor in, and a maximum amount of revenue from a project.

When I start to market a project, I can start to see how the project compares to my expectations and decide whether I’m going to invest more time building, marketing, or working on the next thing.

If you really want a particular project to succeed, you can probably make it into something people want.

But if you get advice from the wrong people, you’ll just quit.

I keep a spreadsheet of companies in the AR / VR space. My competitors, as it were. And a surprising number of them have just given up.

You will succeed when you create a sufficient market to support your ambitions. But you fail when you quit.

And other people can get you to quit, because they can kill your hope and ambitions. I won’t give anyone else that power.
