Godot Scene Won’t Load

1 minute read

I had an issue today where I was trying to load a .tscn and it didn’t load.

The fix that worked was to delete the script’s declaration as an ext_resource from the .tscn file, as well as the place that the script was used (by searching for the hash id in the .tscn file).

This is git diff from the .tscn file:

-[ext_resource type=”Script” path=”res://game/calibration_scene/calibration_ui.gd” id=”1_wxrib”]

+[ext_resource type=”Script” path=”res://game/calibration_scene/calibration_ui.gd” id=”1_4kfit”]

-script = ExtResource(“1_wxrib”)

+script = ExtResource(“1_4kfit”)

Some error messages I got were:

  1. Resource ‘scene.tscn’ is in use. Changes will only take effect when reloaded.
  2. Load failed due to missing dependencies: res://script.gd

Deleting .godot and reloading the project didn’t work.

Right clicking the .tscn file and clicking “Edit Dependencies” also didn’t work.

And frankly, I couldn’t find anything via Google or Discord so I wanted to share this to hopefully save other Godot devs time in the future!

Happy building.
