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Gmail UI: Wtf

less than 1 minute read

The compose button on Gmail is atrocious.

Doing the Wrong Thing

less than 1 minute read

I said do the hardest thing first, but often it’s the mistakes and simpler forms of something that lead me to perfection.

Google Analytics in Godot

2 minute read

I struggled to find a Godot 4.2 plugin that provides Google Analytics. There’s a Firebase one which uses Rest APIs and has every Firebase API except Analytic...

Godot Quest 3 Passthrough

less than 1 minute read

Maybe you’re like me and you copied Godot’s OpenXR Passthrough docs to the T and are wondering why you’re getting a grey screen.

Compiling Fluidsynth on Mac

1 minute read

I need to split an sf2 file so I can remove like 60 Megabytes, because I want my app to be as tiny as possible. So I need to run a Python script that has a d...