Don’t Give Up

1 minute read

Lessons learned from chess.

I’m black, playing against white.

White moves their queen to h6.

Shit. My queen is on g8. I’m one turn from being checked and then probable checkmate.

I say “gg” to my opponent.

They say: “Don’t give up.”

Wait, what?

I was going to resign.

So I didn’t.

I do something strange.

I move the f7 pawn to f6. Now the black pawn on g6 is unguarded.

White queen to g6.

I’m checked. Shouldn’t I have given up?

I move my queen to h8.

White moves their rook to h1.


Wait, I missed a line.

I move my bishop from e5 to h3.

Captured by the white rook on h3.

Now I move my queen from d7 to h3.

Three moves later I checkmated my opponent, knight protecting my queen.

I won because I didn’t give up.
